Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 105 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 106 39 c contra Latin
Abbreviation 107 68 ? con... Latin
Abbreviation 108 68 ? con... Latin
Abbreviation 109 68 ? con Latin
Abbreviation 110 68 ? con... Latin
Abbreviation 111 68 ? con... Latin
Abbreviation 112 68 ? con... Latin
Abbreviation 113 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 114 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 115 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 116 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 117 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 118 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 119 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 120 68 9 con... Latin
Abbreviation 121 68 9 cum Latin
Abbreviation 122 68 9 compilatio juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 123 68 9 completorium, consecratione kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 124 68 9 consule Latin
Abbreviation 125 68 9 contra Latin
Abbreviation 128 68 9 condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 129 68 9 condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 130 68 9 condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 131 68 9 condam (quondam) Latin
Abbreviation 132 68 9 conceptus Latin
Abbreviation 133 68 9[a] contra Latin
Abbreviation 134 68 9[aa] contraria Latin
Abbreviation 135 68 9[aa] contraria Latin
Abbreviation 136 68 9[ia] convenientiam Latin
Abbreviation 137 68 9[a] consequentiam Latin
Abbreviation 138 68 9[ar] contrariorum Latin
Abbreviation 139 68 9[at] considerat Latin
Abbreviation 140 68 ?[at] conveniat Latin
Abbreviation 141 68 9[di] concedi, - concedendi Latin
Abbreviation 142 68 9[do] concedo, - concedendo Latin
Abbreviation 143 68 9[e] commune, - consequentiae Latin
Abbreviation 144 68 9[e] commune, consequentiae Latin
Abbreviation 145 68 9[ae] contrariae Latin
Abbreviation 146 428 9 9 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 147 428 9 9 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 148 428 9 9 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 149 428 9 9 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 150 428 9e novem arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 152 428 9[ris] novembris arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 153 428 98 98 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 154 428 10 10 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 155 428 10 10 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 156 428 10 10 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 157 428 10 10 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 158 428 10[m] decimum arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 159 428 10[lis] decennalis arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 160 428 100 100 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 161 428 0 0 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 162 428 0 0 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 163 428 0 0 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 164 428 0 0 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 165 428 0 0 arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 166 4 aa[ti] animati Latin
Abbreviation 167 4 aaa amalgama medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 168 4 aac ante auditam causam Latin
Abbreviation 169 4 AAPP Amplissimi Patres Latin
Abbreviation 170 4 aar animarum Latin
Abbreviation 171 4 aar Aaron Latin
Abbreviation 172 4 AASS Academiae Antiquarianae Societatis socius Latin
Abbreviation 173 4 aati animati Latin
Abbreviation 174 5 abd Abdiae [Prophetia] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 175 5 abhoia[le] abhominabile Latin
Abbreviation 176 5 abi ab invicem Latin
Abbreviation 177 5 abi[te] abilitatem (habilitatem) Latin
Abbreviation 178 5 abin abinde Latin
Abbreviation 179 5 abla ambula Latin
Abbreviation 180 5 abla[o] ambulatio Latin
Abbreviation 181 5 ablats ablativus Latin
Abbreviation 182 5 ablo ablatio Latin
Abbreviation 183 4 ab ab una parte, - ab alia ... Ortsspezifisch: Parma Latin
Abbreviation 184 5 ablo ambulatio Latin
Abbreviation 185 5 ablom ablationem Latin
Abbreviation 186 5 abltm ablativum Latin
Abbreviation 187 5 ablto ablativo Latin
Abbreviation 188 5 abn[a] absentia Latin
Abbreviation 189 5 abna absentia Latin
Abbreviation 190 5 abne absolutione Latin
Abbreviation 191 5 abnia absentia Latin
Abbreviation 192 5 abns absens Latin
Abbreviation 193 5 abnte absente Latin
Abbreviation 194 5 abntiu absentium Latin
Abbreviation 195 5 abpte ab una parte Latin
Abbreviation 196 5 abr abrade, - abrasus pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 197 5 abs absolutio, - absens Latin
Abbreviation 198 5 abs absque Latin
Abbreviation 199 5 absolo absolutio Latin
Abbreviation 200 5 absolem absolutionem Latin
Abbreviation 201 5 abst[o] abstractio Latin
Abbreviation 202 5 absto abstractio Latin
Abbreviation 203 5 ABT annua … bima … trima … Latin
Abbreviation 204 5 abt absolutus Latin
Abbreviation 205 5 abto ablativo Latin
Abbreviation 206 5 abulo ambulationem Latin
Abbreviation 207 2 a albus Latin