Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 7598 228 mu[a]r mutaret Latin
Abbreviation 7616 228 mu[a]ri mutari Latin
Abbreviation 7680 228 MusB Musicae Baccalaureus Latin
Abbreviation 7693 228 MusD Musicae doctor Latin
Abbreviation 7709 228 mut Mutinae Latin
Abbreviation 7740 228 mut Mutinensis Latin
Abbreviation 7764 228 mx[a] mixta Latin
Abbreviation 7779 228 m[a]x[e] maxime Latin
Abbreviation 7798 228 m[a]xi maximus Latin
Abbreviation 7811 228 MXM maximum Latin
Abbreviation 7829 228 Mz[ne] Mezene Mass Italian
Abbreviation 7846 228 mzij marzii (martii) Latin
Abbreviation 7870 228 Mzo Marzo Italian
Abbreviation 14385 228 m[a]x[e] maxime Latin
Abbreviation 5675 229 N Semiunicia Latin
Abbreviation 5676 229 N Nesciens, - Noster, - Numero Latin
Abbreviation 5677 229 N Novellae juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5678 229 N Natione Latin
Abbreviation 5679 229 N non Latin
Abbreviation 5680 229 n non Latin
Abbreviation 5681 229 n non Latin
Abbreviation 5682 229 N Notitia Latin
Abbreviation 5683 229 N nam Latin
Abbreviation 5684 229 N nam Latin
Abbreviation 5685 229 n numero Latin
Abbreviation 5686 229 N Nomine Latin
Abbreviation 5687 229 n nobis Latin
Abbreviation 5688 229 n nostri Latin
Abbreviation 5689 229 N noster Latin
Abbreviation 5690 229 N noster Latin
Abbreviation 5691 229 N nec Latin
Abbreviation 5692 229 N nitrum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5693 229 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5694 229 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5695 230 n enim Latin
Abbreviation 5696 230 N enim Latin
Abbreviation 5697 230 N Nomen Latin
Abbreviation 5698 230 N Nomine Latin
Abbreviation 5699 230 N Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5700 230 N Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5701 230 Nn Nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 5702 230 Nn Nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 5703 230 n numerati Italian
Abbreviation 5704 230 n numerati Italian
Abbreviation 5705 230 n numerati Italian
Abbreviation 5706 230 n numerati Italian
Abbreviation 5722 230 n nec Latin
Abbreviation 5724 230 n nec Latin
Abbreviation 5725 230 n neque Latin
Abbreviation 5726 230 n nisi Latin
Abbreviation 5727 230 N Nicolaus Latin
Abbreviation 5728 230 n nos, - nullus Latin
Abbreviation 5729 230 n[a] natura Latin
Abbreviation 5730 230 n[a] numerati Latin
Abbreviation 5731 230 n[a] naturam Latin
Abbreviation 5732 230 n[a] nulla, - natura, - nota, - nomina Latin
Abbreviation 5733 230 n[a] nostra Italian
Abbreviation 5734 230 N[a] Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5735 230 n[a] naturam Latin
Abbreviation 5736 230 n[ab] naturalibus Latin
Abbreviation 5737 230 n[bus] nominibus Latin
Abbreviation 5738 230 n[c] nunc, - nec Latin
Abbreviation 5739 230 n[da] nominanda Latin
Abbreviation 5740 230 N[e] nostrae Latin
Abbreviation 5741 230 n[e] nec, - nomine, - naturae Latin
Abbreviation 5742 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 5743 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 5744 230 n[i] nisi, - nemini Latin
Abbreviation 5745 230 n[l] nihil Latin
Abbreviation 5746 230 n[l] nihil Latin
Abbreviation 5747 230 n[le] nobilem Latin
Abbreviation 5748 230 n[lo] nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 5749 230 n[lo] nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 5750 230 N[m] nostrum Latin
Abbreviation 5751 230 n[m] nullum Latin
Abbreviation 5752 231 n[n] nomen, - non Latin
Abbreviation 5753 231 N[o] Noster, - Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5754 231 N[o] Noster, - Nota Latin
Abbreviation 5755 231 N[o] Nocturno Latin
Abbreviation 5756 231 N[o] Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 5757 231 n[o] nullo, - numero Latin
Abbreviation 5758 231 n[o] nostro Italian
Abbreviation 5759 231 n[o] numero Italian
Abbreviation 5760 231 n[oo] nullo modo Latin
Abbreviation 5761 231 n[r] noster, - naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5762 231 n[ar] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5763 231 N[s] nisi Latin
Abbreviation 5764 231 n[s] nullus Latin
Abbreviation 5765 231 n[at] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5766 231 n[te] nominatae Latin
Abbreviation 5767 231 n[ti] numerati Latin
Abbreviation 5768 231 Na Nostra Latin
Abbreviation 5769 231 na[a] natura Latin
Abbreviation 5770 231 na[a] natura Latin
Abbreviation 5771 231 na nam Latin
Abbreviation 5772 231 na namque Latin
Abbreviation 5773 231 n[r]a naturam Latin
Abbreviation 5774 231 Na Nam Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 5775 231 na[a] natura Latin
Abbreviation 5776 231 N[r]a Natura Latin