Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 5777 231 n[r]a[r] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5778 231 Na[tis] Nativitatis Latin
Abbreviation 5779 231 na[t] nativitatis Latin
Abbreviation 5780 231 na[t] nativitatis Latin
Abbreviation 5781 231 naa natura Latin
Abbreviation 5782 231 nac nacione (natione) Latin
Abbreviation 5783 231 na[s]cet[r] nasceretur Latin
Abbreviation 5784 231 na[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 5785 231 na[a]l naturalis Latin
Abbreviation 5786 231 na[a]l[t] naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 5787 231 na[a]le naturalem Latin
Abbreviation 7329 232 n[r]ale naturale Italian
Abbreviation 7334 232 nale naturalem Latin
Abbreviation 7340 232 nali naturali Italian
Abbreviation 7353 232 n[r]alr naturaliter Latin
Abbreviation 7362 232 nam naturam Latin
Abbreviation 7364 232 na[o]ni narrationi Latin
Abbreviation 7369 232 naq namque Latin
Abbreviation 7377 232 narr[r] narratur Latin
Abbreviation 7381 232 narro narratio Latin
Abbreviation 7386 232 narus nasciturus Latin
Abbreviation 7394 232 Nat Nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 7399 232 nas nostras Latin
Abbreviation 7408 232 nat[r]a naturam Latin
Abbreviation 7417 232 nat[r]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 7421 232 nate nativitate Latin
Abbreviation 7432 232 natis numeratis Latin
Abbreviation 7438 232 natis nativitatis Latin
Abbreviation 7442 232 Natl Natalem Latin
Abbreviation 7446 232 nato numerato Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 7453 232 naucls nauclearius Ortsspezifisch: Venedig Latin
Abbreviation 7459 232 NB Nobis Latin
Abbreviation 7464 232 NB Nota Bene Italian
Abbreviation 7471 232 nb nobis Latin
Abbreviation 7476 232 NBL Nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 7481 232 nbr novembris Latin
Abbreviation 7486 232 nbusprop[s] nominibus propriis Latin
Abbreviation 7492 232 NC non certe Latin
Abbreviation 7511 232 NC Novae Constitutiones Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 7516 232 nc nunc Latin
Abbreviation 7521 232 nc nec Latin
Abbreviation 7530 232 nc[a] necessaria Latin
Abbreviation 7533 232 nc[o] necessario Latin
Abbreviation 7345 233 nec, nec[m] necessarium Latin
Abbreviation 7354 233 nec[aa] necessaria Latin
Abbreviation 7365 233 ncca[a] necessaria Latin
Abbreviation 7378 233 ncca[a] necessaria Latin
Abbreviation 7389 233 nccas necessitas Latin
Abbreviation 7409 233 nccate necessitate Latin
Abbreviation 7494 233 ncce necesse Latin
Abbreviation 7540 233 ncc[a]e necessitatem Latin
Abbreviation 7554 233 ncc[a]e necessitate Latin
Abbreviation 7566 233 ncci[b] necessitatibus Latin
Abbreviation 7581 233 ncci[e] necessariae Latin
Abbreviation 7600 233 ncci[t] necessitatis Latin
Abbreviation 7640 233 ncc[a]ia necessaria Italian
Abbreviation 7651 233 ncciis necessariis Latin
Abbreviation 7690 233 nccior necessariorum Latin
Abbreviation 7705 233 nccita necessità Italian
Abbreviation 7721 233 ncciti necessitati Latin
Abbreviation 7732 233 ncc[a]m necessarium Latin
Abbreviation 7747 233 ncc[a]s necessitas Latin
Abbreviation 7769 233 ncc[a]t necessitatis Latin
Abbreviation 7816 233 ncee necesse Latin
Abbreviation 7838 233 ncias nuncians (nuntians) Latin
Abbreviation 7855 233 ND Nativitatis Domini Latin
Abbreviation 7895 233 nd nondum Latin
Abbreviation 7914 233 nd[o] nominando Latin
Abbreviation 7930 233 ndu nondum Latin
Abbreviation 7977 233 ne nomine Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 7990 233 n[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 8009 233 ne[e] necesse Latin
Abbreviation 8028 233 NE necesse est Latin
Abbreviation 8044 233 n[r]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 8070 233 ne[ar] negatur Latin
Abbreviation 14433 233 n[a]e naturae Latin
Abbreviation 14434 233 ne[r] negatur Latin
Abbreviation 7344 234 ne neque Latin
Abbreviation 7361 234 ne[ad] negandum Latin
Abbreviation 7372 234 ne[ao] negationem Latin
Abbreviation 7384 234 ne[te] necessitate Latin
Abbreviation 7412 234 ne[ua] negativa Latin
Abbreviation 7436 234 neap Neapoli Latin
Abbreviation 7496 234 neccia necessaria Italian
Abbreviation 7518 234 necia necessaria Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 7538 234 Necn Necnon Latin
Abbreviation 7563 234 nec[a]o necessario Latin
Abbreviation 7569 234 nec[a]te necessitate Latin
Abbreviation 7579 234 ned nedum Latin
Abbreviation 7591 234 neg negotiis Latin
Abbreviation 7599 234 neg negotium Latin
Abbreviation 7614 234 neg[o] negatio Latin
Abbreviation 7624 234 nega negotia Latin
Abbreviation 7635 234 negg negotiorum gestione Latin
Abbreviation 7647 234 negg negotiorum gestoribus Latin
Abbreviation 7665 234 neglia negligentia Latin
Abbreviation 7677 234 negm negotium Latin
Abbreviation 7692 234 negor negotiorum Latin
Abbreviation 7703 234 nei nemini Latin
Abbreviation 7712 234 nemcon nemine contradicente Latin