Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 7704 237 n[l]o nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7719 237 no[is] nominis Latin
Abbreviation 7730 237 no[l] nobilis Latin
Abbreviation 7739 237 n[l]o nihilo Latin
Abbreviation 7755 237 n[l]o nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7773 237 no[la] novella Latin
Abbreviation 7791 237 no[le] nobile Latin
Abbreviation 7814 237 no[alis] notabilis Latin
Abbreviation 7827 237 no[alr] notabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 7840 237 no[ma] nobilissima Latin
Abbreviation 7854 237 no[n] nomen Latin
Abbreviation 7886 237 no[or] nobilior Latin
Abbreviation 7899 237 no[r] non dicitur Latin
Abbreviation 7921 237 no[ar] notatur Latin
Abbreviation 7947 237 no[ra] nobiliora Latin
Abbreviation 7960 237 no[rius] notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7490 238 noa nomina Latin
Abbreviation 7508 238 noanis nominationis Latin
Abbreviation 7525 238 noare Novariae Latin
Abbreviation 7541 238 Noati Nominatim Ortsspezifisch: Mantua Latin
Abbreviation 7546 238 noatio nominatio Latin
Abbreviation 7556 238 nob nobis Latin
Abbreviation 7564 238 nob nobis Latin
Abbreviation 7576 238 Nob Novembris Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 7589 238 nob nobilis, -nobile Latin
Abbreviation 7606 238 nob[ra] nobiliora Latin
Abbreviation 7618 238 Nobb Nobilibus Latin
Abbreviation 7630 238 nobc nobiscum Latin
Abbreviation 7641 238 nobi[a] nobilissima Latin
Abbreviation 7655 238 no[a]bil notabilis Latin
Abbreviation 7666 238 no[a]bile notabile Italian
Abbreviation 7679 238 nobi[m] nobilissimum Latin
Abbreviation 7723 238 no[a]bi[r] notabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 7737 238 no[a]blr notabiliter Latin
Abbreviation 7748 238 nobost nonobstantibus Latin
Abbreviation 7786 238 Nobr Novembris Latin
Abbreviation 7805 238 NoConstit Novae Constitutiones Latin
Abbreviation 7815 238 nod nondum Latin
Abbreviation 7836 238 no[a]du notandum Latin
Abbreviation 7848 238 noe nomine Latin
Abbreviation 7860 238 noen nomen Latin
Abbreviation 7873 238 noetvet t[ti] novi et veteris testamenti Latin
Abbreviation 7898 238 nogo nongentesimo Ortsspezifisch: Modena Latin
Abbreviation 7904 238 noi nomini Latin
Abbreviation 7919 238 noi[a] nomina Latin
Abbreviation 7935 238 n[l]oi nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 7942 238 noia[o] nominatio Latin
Abbreviation 7952 238 noia[a] nominata Latin
Abbreviation 7498 239 noiat nominat Latin
Abbreviation 7529 239 Noiat Nominative Latin
Abbreviation 7555 239 noib nominibus Latin
Abbreviation 7613 239 noib nominibus Latin
Abbreviation 7694 239 noie nomine Latin
Abbreviation 7710 239 noio nomino Italian
Abbreviation 7750 239 noio nominatio Latin
Abbreviation 7777 239 nois nominis Latin
Abbreviation 7812 239 noita nominata Italian
Abbreviation 7891 239 noi[a]ti nominati Latin
Abbreviation 7957 239 noi[a]ti[m] nominativum Latin
Abbreviation 7986 239 nole[m] nolentium Latin
Abbreviation 8015 239 nolt nolunt Latin
Abbreviation 8113 239 nom nomine Latin
Abbreviation 8155 239 nom nomina Latin
Abbreviation 8184 239 nom nomen Latin
Abbreviation 8224 239 n[l]omi nihilominus Latin
Abbreviation 8246 239 Non Nonas Latin
Abbreviation 8278 239 No[a]n[m] Notandum Latin
Abbreviation 8398 239 no[a]nd notandum Latin
Abbreviation 8429 239 nont notant Latin
Abbreviation 8454 239 no[a]nt notanter Latin
Abbreviation 8472 239 NOP non oportet Latin
Abbreviation 8499 239 noobste nonobstante Latin
Abbreviation 8541 239 noprae [Ad]nostram praesentiam Latin
Abbreviation 8583 239 nor novorum [denariorum] Latin
Abbreviation 8604 239 nor nonarum Latin
Abbreviation 8650 239 no[a]r nonarum Latin
Abbreviation 8690 239 no[a]r notariis Latin
Abbreviation 8718 239 NORI nostri Latin
Abbreviation 8752 239 noror nostrorum Latin
Abbreviation 8780 239 no[a]s nonas Latin
Abbreviation 7515 240 NOS noster Latin
Abbreviation 7545 240 Noss Notarius subscripsi Latin
Abbreviation 7575 240 not notarius, notis Latin
Abbreviation 7587 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7608 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7620 240 not notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7639 240 not notandum, -notitia Latin
Abbreviation 7664 240 no[i]t noviter Latin
Abbreviation 7687 240 not notarium Latin
Abbreviation 7717 240 not notionis Latin
Abbreviation 7738 240 no[a]t notat Latin
Abbreviation 7767 240 no[a]t notatis Latin
Abbreviation 7803 240 Nota Notatur -Notitia juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 7820 240 Notas Notarius Latin
Abbreviation 7842 240 not[a]i notarii Ortsspezifisch: Biel Latin
Abbreviation 7869 240 noti[a] notitia Latin
Abbreviation 7885 240 notio notario Latin
Abbreviation 7902 240 noto notario Ortsspezifisch: Biel Latin
Abbreviation 7932 240 Noto Notario in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 7949 240 nots notarius Latin